Saturday, May 28, 2011

D-Day plus 28: Finally, Singapore!!!

Twenty eight days later, after resigning from my job that I had been working at for almost 5 years of my life, after dozens of phone interviews and job hunting related frustrations, I've finally got a job in one of the top telecoms company in Singapore. My prayers had been answered, and now another life adventure awaits.

Packing up the bare essentials, everything must fit in my 50L backpack!
Total packed weight is 16kilos.  Heavier than what I would normally bring
when climbing mountains.

All packed and ready to roll.  It felt like it was just one of my out of town climbs. 
Only this time I have a one way ticket.

Finally, all the hard work in processing my POEA papers paid off. 
Didn't have a hard time in the Philippine Immigration,  I just showed
them this pass and no more questions asked. I'm officially an OFW.

Arrived in Singapore and immediately headed for the immigration.

My backpack came out after almost 45 minutes of waiting. 
 I got a little worried there for a bit.hehe

My friend offered to fetch me in the airport and now we're off to find the company
guest house that I'm going to stay temporarily. I couldn't thank her enough for
helping me out all the way.

The first Singapore food I've tasted is the famous Hokkien Mee in 
Wisma foodcourt.

The view looking out from the inside of my room in the company guesthouse.
It is amazing how "High-rise" living is just a normal thing here in Singapore. 
Totally different from the Philippines.

My room for the next 2 weeks.  After feverishly packing up all my stuff, now
I had to unpack everything.  As you can see, I got all my essentials, 
got my Bible, "Novena to God's love", and my lonely planet guide to 
Singapore - since I won't be having any laptop and internet until I find a
more permanent place to live in.

Monday, May 30, 2011: My first day in the office.  It was like somewhere between
a dream and reality, my first time being alone to work and to live in a foreign land,
so exciting! "Work and live overseas before age 30" CHECKED!!!

"Project SG" is now mission accomplished! Big thanks to my BIG God, who is always with me, and is at work in my life.

To my dear family, relatives, and friends who gave their utmost support, I truly appreciate it and I'm forever grateful.

Dare to dream BIG... for you have a BIGGER God.  Do not limit God with your limited thinking... enlarge your vision! Dare to step out of your comfort zone and into your courage zone, and you'll realize God has so much more good things in store for your life ... much much more.

"It's time to Live your best life now" - Joel Osteen

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