Thursday, January 6, 2011

Adventures of 2010: A Personal Journey To The World Of Mountain Climbing

Mt. Pulag Dream Climb (January 30-31)
View1: Mt. Pulag's Sunset above the clouds.
Highest mountain in Luzon.

For as long as I can remember, I was living a slow and passive life. But when my dad passed away late 2009 because of cancer, I knew somehow that my life would never be the same.
It was a harsh reminder of how brief and fragile our life is here on earth. I came to realize that I should go out there, live my dreams and make it happen! That I should live a fit, healthy, and meaningful purpose driven life! This was the year that I really pushed myself to go out of my comfort zone and into my courage zone. I tried to live life as best and as full as I can make it to be. This has led me to take on the strenuous but fulfilling challenge of mountain climbing- My project for 2010.

View2: Looking down on Mt. Kanlaon's Margaha Valley.
Highest mountain in the Visayas.

However, juggling a full time Information Technology job in a Telecommunications company (on-call most of the time) and climbing mountains once or twice a month was never an easy task. Not to mention making time for physical trainings in preparation for those difficult climbs (since I was seriously overweight before I started climbing) and of course spending time with my loved ones which is also very important. But I figured, the Lord wants me to live a full and extraordinary life, so it was about time to step up and accept the challenge with open arms.

View3: Mt. Apo's white boulders with sulfur vents.
Highest Mountain in Mindanao and the Philippines.

It was after climbing Mt. Pulag - Luzon island's highest mountain, that I dreamed of climbing the highest mountain in the Philippines, the "Grandfather of Philippine Mountains" - Mt. Apo. I realized that if I'm going to dream, I might as well dream big! And now, the seed has been planted. I would then embark on a journey that took me a year to fulfill, trying my best to fit them in my busy work schedule.

View4: Mt. Kinabalu's vast granite landscape.
Highest mountain in Malaysia.

I met a lot of new friends and interesting people in the process who also shared the same passion and dedication with the great outdoors.  I even had the privilege of climbing Mt. Kinabalu in Malaysia which is higher than our Mt. Apo here in the Philippines (Also my first time to travel abroad), and completed my personal goal of climbing the highest mountains in each major group of islands in the Philippines - Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao (Mt. Pulag, Mt. Kanlaon, and Mt. Apo respectively). 

Although I've encountered many distractions, got discouraged dozens of times, I was still thankful that I was able to achieve my goals and I'm very grateful that the Lord blessed me with wonderful friends, relatives and family that had been my inspiration in being the best I can be for this year.

The following photos were taken during my outdoor adventures around the country (and Kinabalu, Malaysia) with brief narrations, and some shoutouts to the names of people and outdoor groups that I had the pleasure of climbing with.

I offer these climbs to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and I dedicate them also to my dearly departed dad (Rest in peace... until we meet again).

With God on my side ... My journey now begins...

1. Mt. Pulag Dream Climb (January 30-31)
@ 2,922 meters ASL

 Mt. Pulag Dream Climb (January 30-31)
Mt. Pulag Summit. Luzon's highest mountain. Third highest in the Philippines. Kabayan, Benguet

This was my kick-off climb for 2010. Mt. Pulag became very famous for the past year and almost every mountaineering group and travel agency is offering to climb this beautiful mountain. I figured, it was about time to see the fabled "Sea Of Clouds" that everyone was taking about. This climb was organized by Travelfactor and it was on this climb that I met some new found friends: Liela, Leah, Nidz, Irene, Julie, and Julius - who became my climbing buddy in almost all of my climbs this year.

2. Mt. Batulao Traverse (February 20)
@ 811 meters ASL

 Mt. Batulao Traverse (February 20)
The view from Mt. Batulao's summit. Nasugbu, Batangas

Back then, I organized my own minor climbs because I was too eager to start climbing again and it was really hard to invite someone to join me.hehe Good thing though Julius and Juju (My former officemate) was able and willing. We did a traverse day hike starting from the so called "old trail" going to the "new trail".

3. Trek to Buntot Palos (Febuary 27) 

 Trek to Buntot Palos (Febuary 27)
Standing near the catch basin of "Buntot Palos" aka Hidden falls in Pangil Laguna.

I was invited by Carol, my former officemate (together with Richard, Con Con, Allan, Sir Larry and Sir Lenin) to check out this beautiful waterfalls in Laguna. She mentioned that it was part of Sierra Madre, one of the longest mountain ranges in our country. "Buntot Palos falls" was picture perfect to say the least.

4. Mt. Maculot Traverse (March 7)
@ 706 meters ASL

 Mt. Maculot Traverse (March 7)
Enjoying the view from the Rockies of Mt. Maculot. Cuenca, Batangas.

Another one of those climbs that I organized. This was not the usual route, being a training climb for Mt. Apo, we did another traverse from Maculot's Grotto going up to the summit, and continuing the traverse going to the Rockies where outstanding views of Taal lake and nearby mountains awaited us. Together with me on this climb was Julius, Gee, Neil G and his officemates from Accenture, Liela (whom I met in Pulag) and Mother Donna.

5. Mt. Tapulao Climb (March 20-21)
@ 2,037 meters ASL

Mt. Tapulao Climb (March 20-21)
A very hot hike along the reddish soil of Mt. Tapulao. Iba, Zambales

Tapulao is well known for it's very long and winding trail which is an average of 14 hours going up to the summit (not including the descent). I thought it would be a perfect preparation for the Mt. Apo climb (which was originally scheduled on May the same year. But unfortunately the local government decided to close Apo due to brush fires brought by El Nino). It was on this climb that I met Al and Christian of Voyager Adventure Club, Bong, Josh, GP, and Dino-man. Also with me on this climb was my highschool buddy Neil which was just his first time to climb, and also Julius whom I met in Mt. Pulag. This was the start of my hardcore climbs with these hardcore guys.

6. Hundred Islands (March 27 - 28)

Hundred Islands (March 27 - 28)
Island hopping. Alaminos, Pangasinan.

A vacation trip with my officemates. This was our 2nd time visiting this place. Same old vacation house, same old views, and 'almost' the same 'old' people of Postpaid team. ;-) For our next Team Vacation Trip 2011 , I hope we could go somewhere farther up north, like Ilocos Sur or Batad.

7. Mt. Makiling Traverse Day Climb (April 10)
@ 1,090 meters ASL

Mt. Makiling Traverse Day Climb (April 10)
Mt. Makiling Traverse day climb. Sto. Tomas, Batangas - Los Banos, Laguna

This has got to be the hardest, most difficult day hike I have ever done to date. Again, I chose this mountain in preparation for Mt. Apo. I've coordinated with Randi, a Lucena based mountaineer to guide me in the treacherous day hike traverse of one of the country's well known enchanted mountain. Makiling is also well known for it's notorious "limatik" (blood leech) infestation. Although I was looking forward to experience a "limatik" bite, unfortunately, it seemed that they were still in hibernation during the summer months.hehe Together with me on this climb was Neil for his 2nd mountain.

8. Waterfall Hopping In A Day (April 24)

Waterfall Hopping In A Day (April 24)
Taytay falls in Majayjay, Laguna. Lower Photo: Swimming between the Twin Falls (Bunga falls) in Nagcarlan, Laguna.

After the trip to "Buntot Palos" falls, I couldn't get enough waterfalls so I decided to join Pinoymountaineer's tour of 4 waterfalls in 1 Day which was organized by Coby Sarreal and Chi Soriano. I thought of inviting my two nephews Miko and Ian boy so that they could also see and experience what nature has to offer. This is where I met my pretty Bicolana friend Loudette and her officemates from Ajinomoto, Jho Banadera, Sir Jojo (also became our companion in Mt. Apo), and my Japanese friend Miho Hazama, a mountaineer and rock climber from Japan who also became one of my climbing buddies together with Julius for the rest of the year.

9. Mt. Isarog Major Climb, Camarines Sur, Bicol (May 1 - 2)
@ 1,966 meters ASL

Mt. Isarog Major Climb, Camarines Sur, Bicol (May 1 - 2)
View from the summit of Mt. Isarog via Panicuason trail. The silhouette of Mayon volcano over the horizon. Camarines Sur, Bicol

After climbing with Voyager Adventure Club in Mt. Tapulao, we requested Al to organize yet another climb. This was also one of the toughest climbs I've ever experienced, it was like a Makiling Traverse climb only longer and can be completed in a minimum of 2 days. With an average of 10 hours hike through the thick forested jungle filled with thorny rattan plants, fallen logs (which you go over or crawl under), and a non-stop steep ascent all the way up. Definitely one of my memorable hardcore climbs.

10. Mt. Kanlaon Dream Climb (May 21 - 23)
@ 2,435 meters ASL

Mt. Kanlaon Dream Climb (May 21 - 23)
Standing in Mt. Kanlaon summit crater. Highest mountain in Visayas Islands and Philippine's largest active volcano. Upper photo: Looking down, you can see the view of the deep crater hole. Canlaon City, Negros Oriental

It was during this month that the scheduled Mt. Apo Summer climb was canceled. Fortunately there was an opportunity to climb the enormous volcano which is Mt. Kanlaon. This was organized by Cuernos De Negros Inc. a mountaineering club based in my beloved Dumaguete City. Thanks to Sir Jimbo and Burge Masagca for accommodating even though I was the only climber who came from Manila that time. Thanks to Arnold, Ricci, Chatty, Toto and their friends Cha and Ja. Also many thanks Sir Allan from Valencia, to the group of Wayne, Chris and Randolph, and the Kabangkalan mountaineers - Jc, Port, and Jp. This was definitely one of my favorite climbs ever.

11. Mt. Pinatubo (June 5) @ 960 meters ASL

Mt. Pinatubo (June 5)
Mt. Pinatubo's cyan blue crater lake. Tarlac, Zambales.

I'm so mesmerized by Pinatubo's crater lake that I went back for the third time. This time with my friend Loudette (whom I met in 4 Waterfalls) and my buddy Julius (from Mt. Pulag). The hike was very relaxing and the views of different rock formations were truly amazing. This volcano was one of the most violent volcanoes that erupted in the past decade.

12. Mt. Kinabalu Dream Climb, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia (June 25 - 28)
@ 4,095 meters ASL

Mt. Kinabalu Dream Climb Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia (June 25 - 28)
Hiking in the vast granite massif of Mt. Kinabalu while going down from the summit.  Taking a breather at the Kilometer 8 mark (3,929 Meters Above Sea Level).  With the famous "South Peak".  The highest mountain in Malaysia. (lower photo: with SMART Mountaineering Club and AMCI KK Team Batch2 taken from the summit Low's Peak)

This one of a kind adventure is one of my all time favorites! It was my first time to travel abroad and instead of going to some tourist destination to relax and unwind, we climbed the highest mountain in Malaysia which is Mt. Kinabalu. This mountain is quite unique from our Philippine mountains. It is Malaysia's first UNESCO World Heritage site. We climbed the more arduous Mesilau Trail going up and descended via the Timpohon tourist trail. Again I was fortunate enough to join the Smart Mountaineering Club (Sir Don, Sir Pip, Chito, Bheng, and Grace) and Ayala Mountaineers (Jeff and Aron) for this climb since one of the climbers (which is also my friend) had to back out from the trip because of an unexpected injury. I really enjoyed this trip very much and looking forward to more international climbs for 2011.

13. Mt. Daguldol Minor Climb, San Juan, Batangas (July 17 - 18)
@ 670 meters ASL

Mt. Daguldol Minor Climb, San Juan, Batangas (July 17 - 18)
Mt. Daguldol and nearby mountain ranges. San Juan, Batangas

Due to popular demand, Al of Voyager Adventure club, organized another Mt. Apo climb scheduled on November this year. It was a good thing that he did, since my supposed Mt. Apo Summer Climb did not push through. Mt. Daguldol was one of VAC's training climbs for the said event. This mountain is a minor climb and one of those "coastal mountains" wherein after a tiring climb, you can immediately go down and have fun in the beach. This is where I met the rest of Voyager Adventure Club's Apo participants like Sir Jhon, Jon L, Jomel, Bhem, Dino, and Sir Lakan.

14. Mt. Amuyao Trainning Climb, Barlig, Mt. Province (August 20 - 22)
@ 2,702 meters ASL

Mt. Amuyao Trainning Climb (August 20 - 22)
Mt. Amuyao's cotton field sky. Barlig, Mountain Province

Another training climb organized by VAC. This climb was plagued with bad experiences. Our itinerary was several hours delayed. We arrived on our jump off point in the town of Barlig around 5:30pm (instead of 12:00nn), we did a night trek, and to make matters worse, it rained most of the time. Imagine hiking through steep, slippery, wet trails in total darkness with just the light coming from your headlamp, there where no views, and visibility was only a few meters because of heavy fog and rain. Drenched, fatigued, and sleepy, we arrived at the summit around 1am. And yet against all odds, we have conquered ourselves and found ourselves wanting to comeback in the future, this time doing the Mt Amuyao Traverse to Batad Rice terraces...something to look forward to in 2011.

15. Mt. Mariveles Tarak Ridge, Mariveles, Bataan (September 25 - 26)
@ 1,130 meters ASL

 Mt. Mariveles Tarak Ridge, Mariveles, Bataan (September 25 - 26)
The refreshing view of Tarak Ridge, part of Mt. Mariveles mountain range. Mariveles, Bataan

Yet another VAC training climb. Actually this was more of a fun climb than a training climb. Maybe we were expecting something harder than last month's Mt. Amuyao. But nevertheless, it was also a great climb, with the serene Papaya river near the campsite for unlimited supply of drinking water, and the nice views in the ridge itself.

16. Mt. Arayat Traverse Training Climb (October 2 - 3)
@ 1,030 meters ASL

 Mt. Arayat Traverse Training (October 2 - 3)
Standing in the Summit (North Peak) campsite preparing for the most difficult part of the climb - the traverse going to the South peak. Magalang, Pampanga

Mt. Arayat traverse is the Northern counterpart of Mt. Makiling Traverse located in Southern Tagalog both in legend (both have fables of an enchanted diwata) and in the difficulty of the trail. But Arayat Trav is spaced out in two days making it a little easier than Makiling Trav. BUT, this climb was also difficult in it's own right. The trails on the "Traverse" part of the climb was so treacherous, with 3 dangerous segments that needed a rope for added assistance and safety. Definitely worthy of belonging to the "training climbs" category. This was organized by the cool and energetic guys of Green Mountain Tribe. Thanks to Sir CJ, Sir Tristan, Erika and the rest of the GMT guys. Together with me on this climb were my buddies Julius and Miho.

17. Mayon Volcano Climb, Guinubatan, Bicol (Oct. 29 - Nov. 1)
@ 2,462 meters ASL

Mayon Volcano, Guinubatan, Albay (Oct. 29 - Nov. 1)
Standing in Mayon Volcano's lava trail. Left photo: Lava Trail. Guinubatan, Bicol

The beautiful and hot headed Mayon Volcano. I got an invite from Sir Pip (whom I met in Kinabalu climb). The weather was bad when we arrived at the jump off point, but still we pushed until Camp 1, where we spent the night. The next day, the sky cleared up and we continued to climb up till the knife edge (about couple of hours away from the summit) and back down since the weather already turned for the worse. Together with me on this climb was Sir Mon (whom I met during Mt. Talamitam climb from 2008), Neil (my highschool friend) and Dennis (one of my officemates and an MFPI individual member). We also had the chance to climb with the cool guys and the great ladies of Ayala Mountaineering Club (AMCI). This is where I met Ate Che, also a Bisaya from Siquijor and the only person I know who already did one of my dream international climbs like Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa. Thanks to Sir Onith for organizing this climb.

18. Mt. Apo Dream Climb, Davao Del Sur (November 11 - 15)
@ 2,956 meters ASL

 Mt. Apo Dream Climb, Davao City (November 11 - 15)
The view of the saddle campsite as seen from one of the peaks of Mt. Apo - The highest mountain in the Philippines. Davao Del Sur.  (Special thanks to FEAST Alabang for the t-shirt)

"Dream BIG for you have a BIG GOD".  Finally, after almost a year of training, and (declining the opportunity to work abroad), I have accomplished one of my dream climbs that I've set for myself during the start of this year. Mt. Apo is the grandest of all Philippine mountains, our highest mountain in the country.  For me one of the most beautiful scenery I've ever seen among the mountains that I've climbed this year. 
As one of my fellow climbers would say "Mt Apo is BIG, but we have a BIGGER GOD!" 
Heartfelt thanks goes to Al and Jhon of Voyager Adventure Club for organizing this climb, and also to the VAC Mt. Apo Participants, Sir Mike, Marcial, Jem, Lyra and Jake the Great (our First Aider/Emergency Rescuer.

19. Mt. Tres Marias Climb. Biliran, Leyte (November 27 - 28)
@ 1,315 meters ASL

Standing in Mt. Tres Maria's heavily vegetated summit after 1 - 2 hours of summit assault along the mossy forest. Upper left photo: One of the many stunning waterfalls. Lower left photo: pitcher plants. (Special thanks to FEAST Alabang for the t-shirt)

After accomplishing my dream climb, I can't seem to get enough, so Me, Julius, and Miho went on another adventure this time in Leyte. This mountain is the most pristine I've ever seen so far. We encountered at least 4 waterfalls along the way, and after that it was a non-stop assault going up to the campsite. From the campsite to the summit for me was the highlight of the whole climb. There were mossy forests, century old trees, and multiple sightings of pitcher plants. After this climb we toured around Tacloban City and visited some sites such as Mc Arthur Park and San Junaico Bridge (longest bridge in the Philippines). This is were we met Ms. Farah another mountain addict, Jhoc Nalda, Eldy Caag, Vinci, Uge, of the Eastern Visayas Mountaineering Society (EVMS) and Sir Joni Bonifacio, Rhine, Sherwin of the Trexplore Cavers from Samar. Thanks very much guys!

20. Mt. Natib Climb Against Cancer. Orani, Bataan. (December 5 - 6)  @ 1,287 meters ASL

 Mt. Natib Climb Against Cancer.  (December 5 - 6)
Mt. Natib - overlooking town of Bataan. Orani, Bataan
For my year end climb, Me, Julius, Miho and Ms. Farah (whom we met in Tres Marias Climb last month) went to Bataan to climb Mt. Natib. This was a climb for a cause called "Climb Against Cancer" and our registration fee goes to Philippine General Hospital's Cancer ward.  This climb was relatively easy at first, until you reach the foot of the actual mountain, where all the steep uphill assault starts. To make matters worse, just like Mt. Makiling, this mountain is infested with blood sucking limatiks (blood leech) way up until the summit campsite. Many thanks to Bang of Accenture mountaineering club for organizing.

Final thoughts:

It has been a remarkable 2010! Thank you very much to all of the people whom I shared this awesome experiences with! I'm proud to say that after all I've been through, my courage zone (something that I'm scared to do) has now become my comfort zone and now it's time to take it to the next level, to move on to my next courage zone. Looking forward to train harder for bigger and badder mountains like Mt. Guiting-Guiting, Mt. Halcon, and to learn new outdoor sports like spelunking, rock climbing and bouldering! I can't wait to see what's in store for 2011! Everything in God's time. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!!!

"God wants you to fulfill your dreams. You were born for greatness, But for you to climb the top, you need to master the skill of turning stumbling blocks into stepping stones." - Bo Sanchez

1 comment:

  1. one year full of adventure! good job kuya. I know you'll conquer greater heights all for God's glory. We're all proud of you, especially papa. Love u


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